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Re: Nauka i tehnologija

Poslato: 21 Sep 2017, 23:29
od shandu90
Prevodioci su im neki privatni akreditovani.

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Re: Nauka i tehnologija

Poslato: 13 Okt 2017, 15:23
od Darko
Verujem da serbia u danasnjim uslovima i sa danasnjim masinama ne bi ovo nikad uspela da izgradi. Primer koliko je bila jaka bivsa drzava. Sad najobicniji most gradimo po 10 godina.

Re: Nauka i tehnologija

Poslato: 13 Okt 2017, 16:04
od Pulp Fiction
Ma kako ne bi mogla. Bar mašine nisu problem ima ih i bolje su nego te. Samo je stvar paraaaa. Daš pare firmi koja se bavi time, ali da platiš sve lepo, da se ne krade, ne ugrađuje neko, i da vidiš nema toga što se ne može uraditi.

Re: Nauka i tehnologija

Poslato: 28 Okt 2017, 18:30
od maxer
Ovaj grad ima elektronski "mozak" koji sve vidi i čuje

Kako biste reagovali kada biste saznali da veštačka inteligencija, poslednjih godinu dana, prati sve što se događa u vašem gradu: mesta na kojima se ljudi kreću, saobraćaj, pa čak i sve ono što ljudi pišu na društvenim mrežama?
Izvor:, subota, 28.10.2017. | 18:00


Tako nešto bi, verovatno, izazvalo veliki skandal u brojnim državama širom sveta, ali za stanovnike kineskog grada Hangdžoua, u kome živi devet miliona ljudi, čini se to ne predstavlja nikakav problem.

Krajem prošle godine, u tom gradu je instaliran sistem nazvan "mozak grada", baziran na veštačkoj inteligenciji, na čijem razvoju su radile dve poznate kineske kompanije Alibaba i Foxconn.

Njegov zadatak je da prati sve što se događa u gradu: od saobraćajnih gužvi, preko kriminala, pa čak do aktivnosti ljudi na društvenim mrežama, njihovog kretanja, korištenja javnog prevoza i slično.

Ovde se ne radi o nadzoru čiji cilj je špijuniranje građana, već je taj sistem postavljen da bi olakšao "urbani način života". Sve podatke obrađuje veštačka inteligencija, koja potom nudi rešenja nekih problema, kao što su gužve u saobraćaju, sudari, nepropisno parkiranje automobila, hapšenje kriminalaca i slično.

"Kina i Kinezi, u odnosu na veliki broj drugih zemalja, nisu toliko opsednuti privatnošću, tako da nije bilo previše problema prilikom pokretanja jednog ovakvog sistema, koji prati sve što se događa u gradu", kaže Sjian-Šeng Hua, menadžer za razvoj veštačke inteligencije u Alibabi.

Tokom proteklih godinu dana, "mozak grada" se pokazao veoma uspešnim: smanjen je broj saobraćajnih nesreća i kriminala, smanjene su i gužve, jer sistem sam može da predvidi na mestima se mogu očekivati najveće gužve pa prilagođava semafore situaciji i tako sprečava gomilanje vozila i saobraćajne "čepove".

O uvođenju sličnog sistema već razmišljaju i u drugim gradovima u Kini, a vremenom bi se mogao da počne da se primenjuje i većini gradova koji imaju slične probleme. ... id=1319315

Re: Nauka i tehnologija

Poslato: 01 Nov 2017, 15:05
od maxer

Re: Nauka i tehnologija

Poslato: 15 Nov 2017, 20:53
od Geza
Physicists from Russia created nanolens for solar cells ... lar-cells/

Scientists from the University ITMO has created a special coating for solar glass nanospheres, similar in shape to drops of water and increase their efficiency by about 20%, according to an article published in the journal Optica.


«Three years ago, we tried to cover the battery’s surface with microspheres. They significantly improved the uptake, but, unfortunately, reflected quite a lot of light. We decided to remove the top part of the sphere and make a kind of lens which will focus light in the battery. Trying to make it, we found a more elegant solution. In the end, the end structure exceeded our expectations based on theoretical calculations», ‒ says Mikhail Omelyanovich from ITMO University in St. Petersburg.

Silicon solar battery and many of their counterparts from other semiconductor materials have a relatively low efficiency – they convert only a small fraction of the energy of the Sun, about 7-15%, in electric current. This, coupled with high costs like electricity generators, is today one of the main problems for their application in household and industry.

In recent years, physicists make huge efforts to eliminate this problem, creating a more efficient semiconductor materials like perovskite, and various coatings to help solar cells absorb about a third or almost half of the energy of the Sun’s rays. For example, a year ago, scientists were able to increase the efficiency of solar panels by almost two times, «copying» nanoparticles that cover the wings of butterflies.

A group of Russian and foreign physicists headed by Omelyanovich found another way to increase the capacity and improve the efficiency of solar cells by studying how they behave in the solar battery of amorphous silicon, non-crystalline varieties of this semiconductor coated with different nanoparticles and microstructures.

In contrast to solar cells from crystalline silicon or perovskite solar cells on the basis of amorphous silicon have a relatively low efficiency — no more than 7%, but they can be applied in a thin and virtually transparent layer on any surface, including glass. For this reason, it is quite a long time was considered the main candidate for the basis of most «household» solar panels, but in recent years it has begun to supplant more effective, although more dangerous to health and environment panel of semiconductor compounds of metals, selenium and tellurium.

After several setbacks, the researchers decided to change the structure of the upper electrode of the solar cell, plunging in a set of microscopic glass spheres which, as expected, the scientists had to «capture» the light and hold it inside the battery for a long time.

The first modest success has encouraged physicists, and after some time they picked the best form of nanomatic teardrop – shaped lens and the size – slightly less than one micron. Applying a similar structure to the electrode of aluminum and zinc oxide, with a special stop is able to control the layer thickness at the atomic level, Omelyanovich and his colleagues were able to increase the efficiency of solar panels by 20%.

As noted by the scientist, such an electrode with glass inclusions can be used to create thin solar cells based on amorphous silicon, but any other materials. Such «poutana» print, according to physicists, is already used in many industries and its implementation will not require large expenditures of time and money that they hope will help to accelerate the implementation of their discoveries in practice.

Re: Nauka i tehnologija

Poslato: 19 Nov 2017, 00:20
od maxer
Najnovije iz DARPA robotske radionice:

Re: Nauka i tehnologija

Poslato: 11 Dec 2017, 15:38
od grujicd
Ovaj vikend je festival nauke na sajmu. Svake godine idem sa klincima i super se provedemo.

Re: Nauka i tehnologija

Poslato: 11 Dec 2017, 16:07
od Laki021
Kako ova zla farmaceutska kompanija, radi: ... yptr=yahoo

Ljudi oboleli od raka sa preostalih par meseci zivota kod kojih je sve pokusano propalo odjednom izleceni...

Bas je uzbudljivo sta ce sve sa CAR-T terapijom uspeti da se uradi u buducnosti.

Re: Nauka i tehnologija

Poslato: 11 Dec 2017, 16:26
od maxer

Re: Nauka i tehnologija

Poslato: 13 Dec 2017, 23:22
od Heinz

How long can a BBC reporter stay hidden from CCTV cameras in China?

Re: Nauka i tehnologija

Poslato: 13 Feb 2018, 19:40
od Geza

Re: Nauka i tehnologija

Poslato: 13 Feb 2018, 22:46
od Laki021
Tesko je ovo gledati bez nekog cudnog osecaja straha u stomaku.

Re: Nauka i tehnologija

Poslato: 13 Feb 2018, 22:52
od Markoni
Stvarno jezivo.

Re: Nauka i tehnologija

Poslato: 13 Feb 2018, 22:57
od Rolla
Boston dynics imaju mnogo klipova na yt, vecinu nije moguce ravnodusno gledati.

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